CRER Vol. 13 (2015)
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Front matter:
- Cover. Editorial Board, Cornell Real Estate Review
- Table of Contents. Editorial Board, Cornell Real Estate Review
- Foreword. Funk, David
- Letter from the Editors. Gualtieri, Dan; Martinez, Nicholas; Roach, Clayton
- Awards
- Can Short-Term Rental Arrangements Increase Home Values? A Case for AirBNB and Other Home Sharing Arrangements. Jefferson-Jones, Jamila
- When Private Property Rights Collide With Growth Management Legislation. Calandrillo, Steve P.; Deliganis, Chryssa V.; Woods, Andrea
- The Interconnectedness Between Home Builders and the Asian American Community. Krueger, Gerd-Ulf; Laurie, Scott
- Constitutional Constraints on Using Eminent Domain to Write-Down Underwater Mortgages. Shelton, Jacob R.
- Asian Capital Investing in US Real Estate. Zhou, Junwei (Eddie)
- This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land: A Case Study on Eminent Domain and Under Compensation. Lookman, Annamaria
- Determining the Applicability of 3D Concrete Construction (Contour Crafting) of Low Income Houses in Select Countries. Weinstein, David; Nawara, Peter
- Healthcare REITs and their Operator Partnerships. Gottlieb, Matt
- The Troubled Tower. Spencer, Jason L.
- Changing World of the Commercial Real Estate Job Search Space. Godiwala, Sameer
- Cornell/SelectLeaders Job Barometer: 2014 in Review. Lloyd, Christopher
- 2015 Industry Leader Profile: John Grayken
- Baker Program Alumnus Profile: Elysia Tse (Baker '01)