Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine (2013-2015)
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Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine is a collection of 205 short stories that first appeared as blog postings periodically between April 2013 and September 2015. They cover many facets of the veterinary profession particularly related to veterinary education and leadership from a historical point of view and show how the past and future of veterinary medicine are aligned.
As featured author, Dr. Donald F. Smith has explored a variety of current topics, such as the leadership role of women within the profession, development of veterinary colleges, diversity, and student education, background and training of deans, the re-emergence of the concept of “One Health” – the way in which animals enhance the human condition – and more.
Dr. Smith created a sister collection, An Enduring Veterinary Legacy, that includes oral interviews conducted between 2007 and 2010.
For further description, Introduction and story lists, see:
- Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine: Introduction, Overview and Credits
- List of Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine Stories
- List with Abstracts of Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine Stories
- Biography of Donald Frederick Smith, DVM
- Stories from Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine: Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the American Veterinary Medical Association
- Stories from Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine [flier]