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Cornell Association of Professors Emeriti (C.A.P.E.)

Permanent URI for this community

In 1982 Cornell's emeritus faculty founded the Association of Cornell University Emeritus Professors. This organization has taken a leading role in fostering social and professional community among retired faculty and facilitating the use of their skills and knowledge in the service of the University. Through support from the Provost's Office, the organization opened an office in 1998, and took a new name--The Cornell Association of Professors Emeriti (CAPE). The office serves as a hub for CAPE's many activities and provides access to information assembled by the Benefits Office for faculty considering retirement as well as information of interest to Emeriti. CAPE continues to nourish the ties between retired faculty and the Cornell community through its newsletter, Connecting, a lecture series, computer workshops, the CAPE Roundtable and (in cooperation with the Cornell Retirees Association) by providing and encouraging service opportunities both at Cornell and in the local community.

You can find more information about The Legacy of Cornell Faculty and Staff at http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/handle/1813/14143.

For more information go to the CAPE Homepage.


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