

Feline Practitioner Seminars (1989-1996)

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As part of its educational mission, the Cornell Feline Health Center has sponsored annual seminars featuring speakers, update information, and events for veterinarians who specialize in feline practice. The first seminar held in 1989 was called the “Feline Specialist Symposium.” The second and later programs were simply called the “Feline Symposium” until Dr. John Saidla re-named the program in honor of Dr. Fredric W. Scott who retired in 1996. The early seminars consisted of handouts from individual talks as no proceedings books were compiled. They are continued by the Annual Fred Scott Feline Symposium Proceedings.


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    8th Annual Feline Practitioners Seminar
    Cornell Feline Health Center (Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine. Cornell Feline Health Center, 1996-07)
    Contents of this seminar include: Perspectives on vaccines in feline practice (Cynthia L. Bowlin); Hitting the bull's eye: Targeting connections between vaccines and cancer in cats (Philip H. Kass); Theory and practice of immunization (Ronald D. Schultz); Duration of immunity for feline biologics (Fred W. Scott); Feline infectious diseases (Fred W. Scott); Overview of feline biologics (Fred W. Scott); Licensing of feline biologics (Ted Williams); Vaccine site associated sarcomas: The Vancouver experience ([no author given]).
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    6th Annual Feline Practitioners Seminar
    Cornell Feline Health Center (Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine. Cornell Feline Health Center, 1994-08)
    Contents of this seminar include: Feline infectious diseases (Frederic W. Scott); Feline retrovirus infections (Margaret C. Barr).
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    5th Annual Feline Practitioners Seminar
    Cornell Feline Health Center (Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine. Cornell Feline Health Center, 1993-08)
    Contents of this seminar include: Feline pediatrics (Betsy Arnold); FeLV and FIV update (Margaret C. Barr); Feline hematology (Marjorie Brooks); Feline oncology (Ann E. Hohenhaus); Feline and human allergies (David K. Rosen); Feline infectious peritonitis: current issues (Fred W. Scott).
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    4th Annual Feline Practitioners Seminar
    Cornell Feline Health Center (Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine. Cornell Feline Health Center, 1992-08)
    Contents of this seminar include: Cattery management of infectious diseases (James R. Richards); Management of coronavirus infections in catteries (James R. Richards); Management of ringworm infections in catteries (James R. Richards).
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    1st Annual Feline Specialist Seminar
    Cornell Feline Health Center (Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine. Cornell Feline Health Center, 1989-08)
    Contents of this seminar include: Infectious causes of abortion in the cat (Donald H. Lein); Feline infectious diseases update (Fred W. Scott); Feline hyperthyroidism (Barbara S. Stein); Feline salmonellosis (Barbara S. Stein).