Cornell Veterinary Medicine [Magazine] (1996-2006)
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Cornell Veterinary Medicine is a magazine for alumni and friends containing news and other timely information about the Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine.
Cornell Veterinary Medicine is preceded by Veterinary Viewpoints (1976 to 1995) and continued by Scopes: News from Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine (2009: February to date).
Recent Submissions
Item Cornell Veterinary Medicine, Fall 2006Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine; Winter, Metta; Segelken, Roger (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2006)Topics of articles in this issue of Cornell Veterinary Medicine include: Joining Forces in Conservation and Medicine: The Wildlife Conservation Society and Cornell; Biodiversity Conservation in Zambia: Food security looks like the answer; Leadership in Clinical Programs: Patient care, education, and scientific innovation; Students of Excellence and Diversity; Construction Update: Research Facility Takes Shape; Search Begins for New Dean: Orderly Transition of Leadership; News Briefs; Gifts to the College; Endnote: Announcing a New $80 million Animal Health Diagnostic Center at Cornell (Donald F. Smith); Events.Item Cornell Veterinary Medicine, Fall-Winter 2004Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine; Bauman, Elizabeth (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2004)Topics of articles in this issue of Cornell Veterinary Medicine include: Rara Avis (Howard E. Evans); Glowing Cartilage, Growing Bones; MRI: A Brand New View on Small Animals; The Detectives: Translating Discovery [conference]; Gift Endows the Deanship (Austin O. Hooey); CVM Faculty: Grambows Honored for Service; Foremost Benefactors (James McClure): Boehringer Gift; Surgery Suite Named for Leonard; Wine Country Circuit Dog Shows; Hampton Classic; Endnote: An Open Letter to Erica Evans, Cully Fox, and Helen Kirk (Donald F. Smith); Coming Events.Item Cornell Veterinary Medicine, Spring 2005Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine; Gush, Amy; Wall, Jeri (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2005)Topics of articles in this issue of Cornell Veterinary Medicine include: Genomics: More Than Mice; Women Veterinary Graduates Before 1950; Dairy Institute: Teaching Best Practices in Production Medicine; Scientists Discover Critical Step in Flu Virus Infection; Bronx Zoo Expert to Speak at Annual Conference; Gift Planning: Benefits for You, Your Family, and the College; A Helping Hand It Comes in Many Forms; News from: Sprecher Institute for Comparative Cancer Research (Praise for Breast Cancer Education), Baker Institute for Animal Health (Equine Medicine Training and Research Program Begins), Cornell University Hospital for Animals (Alignment of Fortunate Events Improves a Guide Dog's Sight), Feline Health Center (Forums on Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma, New Book on Feline Medicine, 2004 Annual Report Available); CVM People: Faculty; Five New Named Professors; In Memoriam (Stephen J. Roberts, Kenneth McEntee, Norman Pick, James McClure); The Johns Hopkins-Cornell Link; Endnote: With Grateful Appreciation to the Man Who Loved Dogs (Donald F. Smith): Coming Events.Item Cornell Veterinary Medicine, Spring 2004Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine; Griffith, Jeanne M. (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2004)Topics of articles in this issue of Cornell Veterinary Medicine include: Principles in Practice: A Few Pages from the Book of Robert W. Kirk; Don't Forget the Horse Doctor: Ezra Cornell's Anniversary Dream, 135 Years Later; A Case of Mistaken Memory; Number, Gender, and the Future of the Auxiliary; Torres: Mandatory Animal Identification System Needed; CVM People: Faculty, Staff, Alumni, Students, New Diplomates; In Memoriam: T. Richard Houpt, Isidor I. Sprecher; John Huntley in Iraq; Miller-Clark Celebrates Centennial; Endnote (Donald F. Smith); Coming Events.Item Cornell Veterinary Medicine, Winter 2003Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine; Griffith, Jeanne M. (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2003)Topics of articles in this issue of Cornell Veterinary Medicine include: A Look Inside CUHA: Cornell University Hospital for Animals; Diagnostic Imaging, Who's Who in Diagnostic Imaging; A Look Inside CUHA: Cardiology, Who's Who in Cardiology; The Technicians; A Look Inside CUHA: Small-Animal Orthopedics; Who's Who in Small-Animal Orthopedics; A Look Inside CUHA: Community Practice Service, Who's Who in Community Practice Service; CWD [Chronic Wasting Disease] Testing Begins; Baker Institute Dedicates New Building; CVM People: Faculty, Alumnus; Black Tie & Tails a Success; Endnote: An Open Letter to Cornell's New President (Donald F. Smith); Coming Events.Item Cornell Veterinary Medicine, Fall 2003Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine; Griffith, Jeanne M. (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2003)Topics of articles in this issue of Cornell Veterinary Medicine include: Iron Man (Michael Wildenstein); Going the Distance: Three Cornell DVMs Look at Life and Equine Practice (Ann Dwyer, Celeste Boatwright, Amy Leibeck); Recipe for Success (Mark L. Morris); Keeping Up on the Latest FADs; With Respect to Necropsy (Kenneth I. Gumaer); Cancer Program Honors Benefactors (I.I. Sprecher); CVM Alumni Reach Out; CVM People: Faculty, Alumni, Staff; Gilmour Named Research Dean; Claude Johnson to Head AA&D; Coming Events; Endnote (Donald F. Smith); 2004 Veterinary Internal Medicine Conference.Item Cornell Veterinary Medicine. Spring-Summer 2003Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine; Griffith, Jeanne M. (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2003)Topics of articles in this issue of Cornell Veterinary Medicine include: Francis H. Fox--A Professor for the Ages; A Look Inside CUHA: Anesthesiology, Who's Who in Anesthesiology; A Look Inside CUHA: Emergency and Critical Care, Who's Who in Emergency and Critical Care; A Look Inside CUHA: Theriogenology, Who's Who in Theriogenology; Breast Cancer Program Moving to CVM; Just Don't Call Them Mad Mice; Remembering Franklin M. Loew, former Dean; CVM People: Faculty, Staff, Alumni; David Lin Receives National Recognition; CVM Retains First-Place Ranking; Endnote (Donald F. Smith); Coming Events.Item Cornell Veterinary Medicine, Fall 2002Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine; Griffith, Jeanne M. (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2002)Topics of articles in this issue of Cornell Veterinary Medicine include: Environmental Impact; Cancer in Cats: A Different Animal; The Promise of RB Therapy; A Model of Inspired Technique; Collaboration Expressed; A Novel G Protein Comes to Light; Radiation Therapy Has Arrived; Reinventing Continuing Education; Homeland Security: Torres Testifies; Honors, Gifts, and Grants: Faculty, Alumni, Students; Harold Zweighalf Honored; Mastitis Program Wins Grant from Vitamin Settlement; On to Greener Pastures (Ellie, the fistulated cow); A Little Help from Our Friends; Endnote (Donald F. Smith); Coming Events.Item Cornell Veterinary Medicine, Spring 2002Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine; Griffith, Jeanne M. (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2002)Topics of articles in this issue of Cornell Veterinary Medicine include: Biosecurity: From Field to Laboratory, Cornell Veterinarians Play a Major Role; About the Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory; A Consummate Veterinarian (Donald H. Lein); Curriculum Vitae: Donald H. Lein; Sidney Nusbaum Remembered; AHDL Directors to be Honored; Grohn Named to Head Population Medicine and Diagnostic Services [Department]; Turning the Tide; Honors, Gifts, and Grants; On Behalf of Boo-Boo, A Million Thanks; Linear Accelerator to be Dedicated; Endnote (Donald F. Smith): Coming Events.Item Cornell Veterinary Medicine, Fall-Winter 2001Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine; Griffith, Jeanne M. (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2001)Topics of articles in this issue of Cornell Veterinary Medicine include: The Veterinary Role in First Response; Play Hooky!; The Anatomy of a Legendary Professor: selected views on Alexander de Lahunta; A Lasting Impression; Chief USDA Veterinarian to Head Diagnostic Laboratory at Cornell (Alfonso Torres); Anthrax is an Emerging Issue for the Diagnostic Laboratory; Research Pioneer Catherine Fabricant Dies at 81; Clinical Programs Center Completed; Unprecedented Gift to Further Feline Health Research; Kresge Foundation Awards Grant for Linear Accelerator; Bequest to Benefit Research; Faculty News; Endnote (Donald F. Smith); Coming Events.
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