

Other Cases: Africa, Asia, Latin America

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    Municipal Neoliberalism and Municipal Socialism: Urban Political Economy in Latin America
    Goldfrank, Benjamin; Schrank, Andrew (2006)
    Identifies two different urban policy regimes in Latin America—neoliberal and socialist—and traces their origins to the distinct interests and capacities of local elites and activists in the region’s cities in the mid-to-late twentieth century. While agricultural and commercial interests paid a high price for the growth of import-substituting industrialization, and therefore deployed free trade zones (and similar institutions) in traditional export centers in the 1960s and 1970s, their industrial rivals bore the brunt of austerity and adjustment in the free market era, and therefore adopted compensatory measures designed to increase the “social wage” in the 1980s and 1990s. Examples are drawn from municipalities in Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Uruguay, and Venezuela and call the conventional portrait of impotent Latin American cities—and omnipotent central governments—into question.
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    Constructing the Post-Apartheid Johannesburg: Former Officials and Politicians Tell Their Stories, A Research in Progress
    Benit-Gbaffou, Claire; Seedat, Rashid (2012-10-18)
    Ongoing project engages top and middle level city officials who had entered city gov ernment intent on reform following the end of Apartheid in the 1990s. Purpose is to capture reflections on: - The relationship between the vision (with some elements on how it was formed and frame – initially through background and experience, in particular political experience) and its implementation – and its implementation. - The challenges of shifting from a liberation, or “struggle” practice to a constructive or developmental one. - The politics of city making – the processes, alliances, conflicts, one has to go through to make a vision a reality and drive, effect change in the city. - How the opportunities and challenges of implementation reshape the vision itself. - Successes/ failures, or limitations, of these strategies to implement these transformative visions of the city might be measured or tested through the notion of change (of different nature) in the city, and the sustainability of this change.
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    The Rise of Progressive Cities for Human and Planetary Flourishing
    Douglass, Mike (2015-10)
    Documents new support for progressive policies arising from an emerging middle class impatient with top-down leadership and supportive of new local leadership. Douglass indicates a broad interest in distributive justice, inclusion, conviviality and a flourishing biosphere -- all under a rubric of "human flourishing" and all four features to be sought simultaneously. Cites cases in Seoul, cities in Indonesia; Hong Kong.