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NYS IPM Project Reports

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    Hemp Pest Survey 2021
    Zuefle, Marion (New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, 2021)
    Paragraph Year two of the hemp insect pest and disease survey was conducted at two farms in 2021. Eleven different potential insect pests and six different diseases were observed at the two farms. This was down from 2021 when twenty potential insect pests and eight diseases were observed. None of the insect pests observed in 2021 reached levels high enough to cause economic impact. Two of the diseases, Septoria and Cristulariella, were of much greater concern with Cristulariella causes a nearly 50% loss in yield for one of the growers. In total, only two new insect pests and one new disease were added to the potential pest list in 2021.
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    2021 Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) sampling in dry beans
    Zuefle, Marion; Lund, Margie (New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, 2021)
    Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) is a minute roundworm like parasite that is a major pest of soybeans and is considered the pest of greatest economic concern. It has multiple hosts including dry beans and can cause comparable damage in dry beans. The presence of SCN is difficult to detect in fields without a soil test. The above ground symptoms are often not present but still result in a 10-30% loss in yield. When symptoms are present (yellowing and stunting), they can be confused as a nutrient deficiency, herbicide damage or attributed to drought. We surveyed thirteen dry bean fields in six different counties and detected SCN in nine of the fields. We also used an electrical conductivity (EC) meter to map three of the fields and target sampling based on those EC reading.
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    New York Western Bean Cutworm Field Corn, Black Cutworm and True Armyworm Monitoring Program
    Wise, Ken (New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, 2021)
    Western bean cutworm (Striacosta albicosta [Smith]) attacks corn (Zea mays L.; including field, sweet and popcorn) and dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), feeding on developing kernels or beans inside husks and pods, respectively. Western bean cutworm (WBC) infestations can cause significant yield losses and may facilitate subsequent colonization by pathogens, furthering damage and impacts. This pest has become an economic issue for many growers ranging from the Midwest through the Northeast US and Southern Ontario and Quebec. Losses from this insect can be as high as 8-10% in dry beans and 40% or more in field corn grain yields. WBC was first found in New York in 2009. This pest has expanded and has steadily increased across the state since first discovered. A trapping network was established in 2010 to monitor WBC populations as they invade NYS. There were not a lot of reports of economic damage by WBC this year. We also established a migratory insect pest-monitoring network for black cutworm (BCW) and true armyworm (TAW) with 25 locations in 2021. This was useful for knowing when BCW and TAW arrived in New York, and could potentially be used to. We could calculate degree-day models from the biofix dates.
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    Soybean Cyst Nematode: A New Threat to Soybean Production and Profitability in the Northeast
    Wise, Ken; Zuefle, Marion (New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, 2021)
    The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is the #1 pest of soybeans causing $1.2 billion losses in North America annually. SCN was not considered a northeast pest of concern until it was first discovered in NY in 2016. Since then, it has been confirmed in 32 counties. SCN is a significant risk, and our farmers need to understand it’s time for active management, before it becomes our #1 soybean pest.
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    Soybean Commodity Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey
    Wise, Ken (New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, 2021)
    The NYS IPM program has partnered with NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets and USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) for many years on various commodity surveys to monitor for potentially invasive species that would be of concern to NYS agriculture. Our 2019 -2020 soybean commodity survey was successful, and we were asked to continue. In 2021, five NYS IPM and CCE collaborators surveyed 25 soybean fields in 23 counties from June until October. No moths of the two potentially invasive species were caught, demonstrating that they still aren’t a present threat to NY farmers. We started to look for soybean gall midge in 2020 and 2021. This pest was not found in NYS. In 2021 soybean cyst nematode was identified in soil samples collected from 8 fields in 8 counties. In total, we have found 36 counties in NYS with SCN. This means that where soybeans are grown in NYS there is a high risk of having SCN in those fields. Soybean cyst nematode is by far the worst yield-damaging pest of soybeans in the United States.
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    Pilot Survey on Diversity and Density of Dung Beetles in Cattle Pastures in New York
    Wise, Ken (New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, 2021)
    Dung beetles on pasture are an important part of the agro-ecosystem. They recycle manure, increase soil health and compete with horn & face flies for resources. We plan to determine the diversity and abundance of species of dung beetles in pastures in New York. This research will determine the effects livestock insecticides have on dung beetle populations in cattle pastures.
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    Determine the magnitude and distribution of Western bean cutworm and the risk to dry beans, in the major production areas in New York.
    Lund, Margie; Zuefle, Marion; Nault, Brian (New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, 2021)
    Western bean cutworm (WBC) moth counts were monitored with traps at 11 dry bean fields in Western NY in 2021. Traps were located in Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Steuben, Wyoming, and Yates counties. WBC numbers continued to increase in 2021, catching the highest average moth numbers to date in the region. This year, we saw a 72% increase in average trap catch compared to last season, and a 17% increase in average trap catch from 2018 which had previously been the highest year for WBC numbers. All repeated trap locations saw similar catch numbers if not large increases this season compared to numbers caught in 2020.
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    The Long Island Pesticide Pollution Prevention Project
    Gangloff-Kaufmann, Jody; Carmenatty, Carrie; Frye, Matt; Lampman, Joellen; Marvin, Debra (New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, 2021)
    In late 2020, the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) provided funding to the NYSIPM Program to create a public outreach campaign to protect Long Island’s aquifers from pesticide pollution. As part of the NYSDEC’s Long Island Pesticide Pollution Prevention Strategy, this outreach campaign was dubbed “Our Land, Our Water”. The campaign takes a multi-faceted approach to reaching residents of Nassau and Suffolk Counties via social media, on-site demonstration of sustainable lawn management and eventually in-person trainings for individuals and landscape industry workers.
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    Hands-Free Hands-On: Transforming a Hands-on Greenhouse IPM Program during COVID and Beyond
    Lamb, Elizabeth; Eshenaur, Brian; Mattson, Neil; Sanderson, John (New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, 2021)
    The IPM In-Depth Hands-on Greenhouse Workshop was started in 2008 to provide an alternative to the common ‘talking heads’ presentation and to give growers practice in IPM techniques that they could use in their own operations. An added benefit was promoting interaction between attendees and between presenters and attendees to encourage discussion and sharing of information.
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    Urban Conservation Biocontrol
    Lamb, Elizabeth (New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, 2021)
    We will educate urban growers in New York City about the pest management benefits of attracting natural enemies of pests to their farms by planting flowering habitat. We will establish demonstration plantings on four farms, and host hands-on workshops to reach additional growers. Results from an ongoing natural enemy habitat project at Cornell AgriTech will enhance extension to urban growers.