
ILR School

Glass Ceiling Commission (1991-1996)

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About the Commission - In 1991, the U. S. Department of Labor defined glass ceiling as "those artificial barriers based on attitudinal or organizational bias that prevent qualified individuals from advancing upward in their organization into management-level positions." (Report on the Glass Ceiling Initiative. U. S. Department of Labor, 1991. Available in the Catherwood Library at HD 4903.5 U6 U585.) The department's Glass Ceiling Commission (1991-1996) studied these barriers not only as they apply to women, but as they apply to minorities as well.

Note from the U.S Department of Labor: The additional and related papers do not necessarily represent the official position or policy of the U.S. Department of Labor or the Glass Ceiling Commission. They are provided with the permission of their authors and publisher.


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