Northeast Regional Center for Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases Technical Documentation
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Collection includes technical documentation and fact sheets relevant to vector surveillance and control operations in the Northeast region.
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Item Vector Biology Boot Camp ToolkitNortheast Regional Center for Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases (Northeast Regional Center for Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases, 2024-08-26)The Vector Biology Boot Camp is a program offered by the Northeast Regional Center for Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases to provide hands-on learning opportunities in vector surveillance and control program operations. The program is designed for vector-borne disease professionals working in the Northeast region of the United States and covers tick and mosquito species of medical importance to this region. The program was initially developed by Laura Harrington, Emily Mader, and NEVBD colleagues, and was first hosted in 2018. The program has been held on an annual basis since this time, excluding calendar year 2022. The purpose of this toolkit is to share operational details of the Vector Biology Boot Camp with others, with the intention to support those who may start a similar program. Examples of learning outcomes, materials and supplies, and evaluation instruments are provided in this guide.Item Tick Blitz: Quick Reference Guide for Tick Blitz ParticipantsFoley, Nicole (2023)Here is a quick guide to help you during the tick blitz week. The document includes slides from the training webinar with a few updates, and more detailed instructions on storing and mailing the ticks!Item Tick Blitz: Landowner Permission Record FormMader, Emily (2024)Item Tick Blitz Data Collection SheetFoley, Nicole (2024)This is the field collection sheet you will use each day you sample for ticks.Item Returning Kits Instructions 2024Foley, Nicole (2024)Here are instructions on what items in the kit you will keep and which you will return.Item Administrative Operations Guide for the Master of Science in Entomology: Vector-Borne Disease Biology ProgramHarrington, Laura C; Mader, Emily M (Northeast Regional Center for Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases, 2024-05-07)The Master of Science in Entomology: Vector-Borne Disease Biology degree program is housed within the Cornell University Department of Entomology. This program is structured to cross-train students in the fundamentals of vector biology and public health. Over the course of 2 years, students complete required courses offered through the Department of Entomology (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) and Master of Public Health program (College of Veterinary Medicine). Students also plan, conduct, analyze, and summarize a thesis research project based on field work conducted with regional public agency partners. The purpose of this guide is to share operational details of the NEVBD MS program with others, with the intention to support those who may start a similar program at their institution. Examples of core competency areas, course objectives, application process, summer internship, MS thesis process, timeline and evaluation materials are provided in this guide.Item Steps to Build A Pesticide Resistance Monitoring StoryMapMader, Emily M; Baxter, Lindsay; Martin, Elisabeth; Lehane, Áine; Harrington, Laura C (Northeast Regional Center for Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases: Teaching & Evaluation Center, 2024-05-06)This technical document provides a step-by-step for developing public-facing maps that document results of regional pesticide resistance testing, using the ArcGIS Online platform. This guide was modeled on the Northeast Regional Center for Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases - Pesticide Resistance Monitoring Program.Item Tick Blitz: Mailing Ticks InstructionsFoley, Nicole (2023)Here is a guide for how you will mail the ticks back to Cornell.Item How to Construct a Blacklight TrapAlvarado, Antonio; Mader, Emily; Dombroskie, Jason; Harrington, Laura (Northeast Regional Center for Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases, 2022-04-12)A brief instructional guide for building a blacklight trap to collect insects, including triatomine bugs (aka kissing bugs or conenose bugs).Item What You Need to Know About AnaplasmosisMcInerney, Sophie; Northeast Regional Center for Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases (Northeast Regional Center for Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases, 2022-03-04)Anaplasmosis is caused by bacteria spread through the bite of an infected blacklegged tick. Reported cases of anaplasmosis are increasing in the northeast and upper midwest regions of the United States. This fact sheet provides a overview of how anaplasmosis is spread, where it occurs, symptoms of illness, and what individuals can do to prevent being bitten by ticks. Thank you to the following individuals for their expertise and assistance in developing this fact sheet: Anna Perea; MS Naomi Drexler, DrPH.