NABC Report 20: Reshaping American Agriculture to Meet its Biofuel and Biopolymer Roles
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Published 2008 by NABC.
Agriculture is challenged to establish an equilibrium that will enable the needs of traditional markets—food, feed and fiber—to be met while also serving the needs of new markets—energy, chemicals and materials, A biobased economy, balanced with a reduced fossil-based economy, is projected to contribute to national security, sustainability, minimization of global climate change, expanded farmer-market opportunities, and rural development. The presentations and discussions at this conference helped to identify significant questions and to pose relevant perspectives to an emerging land-use issue in which energy generation and food production—two critical issues for society today and for the foreseeable future—will need to be considered by all as we seek to maintain a precarious balance in a world with increasing population and the concomitant accompanying pressures.