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Water Flow and Heat Transfer Pattern in a HPS lamp

dc.contributor.authorGupta, Meghna
dc.contributor.authorLangford, Darcey
dc.contributor.authorLeary, Dan
dc.contributor.authorLinhart, David
dc.contributor.authorPiech, Tomasz
dc.descriptionThis item is not available.
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this report is to model a High Pressure Sodium (HPS) light bulb. Velocity and heat transfer profiles were computed to determine the optimal configuration of heat evacuation using a liquid coolant. In this simulation, water is forced over the bulb to evacuate the large amount of heat that the HPS system produces. The results obtained show the velocity and heat transfer profiles for varying geometries of the HPS bulb. These conclusions can be used to optimize both the flow of coolant and the position of the inlet and outlet on the outer jacket to maximize operating efficiency.en_US
dc.format.extent609 bytes
dc.titleWater Flow and Heat Transfer Pattern in a HPS lampen_US
dc.typeterm paperen_US
