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BEE 4530 - Computer-Aided Engineering

Permanent URI for this community

This is a repository of student class project reports for Professor Ashim Datta's BEE 4530/Computer-aided Engineering course. For more details on the course, see

Click on "Titles" button to browse all papers.
To search by year, click on "By Issue Date", and select the year from the pull-down menu.
Enter a search term to search any word in the title or abstract. IF you want to search papers that have two terms, you must write it as follows (term1 AND term2). The word "AND" must be capitalized. In the short view of the record, the abstract may be truncated. Click on "Show full item record" at the bottom to expand the view. For more information on searching and browsing eCommons, please click on "Help" in the left side of this page.

Some terms to search for:

  • Tumor
  • Tumor AND Laser
  • Cryosurgery OR Freez OR Frost

Access to items in this collection is limited to those with a FERPA release.
