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Computer Aided Simulation of Varying Viscosities in Orange Juice Pasteurization

dc.contributor.authorAkinwale, Pamela
dc.contributor.authorBhebe, Prince
dc.contributor.authorOgura, Nori
dc.descriptionNo access to the full paper due to lack of a FERPA release.
dc.description.abstractThis project presents a FIDAP simulation for determining the effect of viscosity on the process time required to pasteurize orange juice of varying Brix* . Destruction of C. Botulinum and Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) were also modeled. Process time was found to be positively associated with viscosity, up to 30* Brix. There was a high retention of Ascorbic Acid for all concentrations. The highest retention was found with the 10*Brix juice. The highest bacterial destruction of approximately 0.5 log reduction was attained for an axis temperature of 73*C with the 35* Brix juice. Because FDA requirements specify a 5 log reduction, a holding tube needs to be added.en_US
dc.format.extent633 bytes
dc.titleComputer Aided Simulation of Varying Viscosities in Orange Juice Pasteurizationen_US
dc.typeterm paperen_US
