CCE Gardening
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The Gardening Collection gathers resources including factsheets, books, PowerPoint presentations, podcasts and Adobe Connect recordings that were produced by experts in the Department of Horticulture or county-based Cornell Cooperative Extension Horticulture Educators. The collection aims to connect gardeners with research-based information that will lead to successful gardening experience and sustainable landscapes. The content of these resources focuses on identifying landscape vision, assessing landscape, choosing plants, preparing site, installing plants and cultural practices associated with managing landscapes such as pruning and training, crop rotation, nutrient and weed management. The majority of resources related to weather, composting, soil health and disease and pest management originate from other Departments/Units such as NYIPM, Crop and Soil Sciences, Entomology, Plant Pathology and Cornell Waste Management Institute. Look to the collections created by these entities for additional gardening information.
The Gardening Collection gathers resources that were produced by experts in the Department of Horticulture or county-based Cornell Cooperative Extension Horticulture Educators. It aims to connect gardeners with research-based information that will lead to successful gardening experience and sustainable landscapes.