Alternatives to Insecticides for Managing Vegetable Insects (NRAES 138 - FRONT MATTER ONLY)
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Proceedings of a Farmer/Scientist Conf. held Dec. 6 and 7, 1998, by the Natural Resource, Ag., and Engineering Service, Coop. Ext. The papers are arranged by theme: the effects of plant health and soil health on susceptibility to pests; putting biological control to work; strategies and tactics currently used by organic farmers; small group sessions by crop or insect pest: corn and sweet corn, cabbage family -- specifically flea beetles, potato leafhopper, cucurbit crops (squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, melons), solanaceous crops (potatoes, tomatoes, pepper, eggplant), tarnished plant bug, and beans and Mexican bean beetle; where do we go from here?; and areas needing additional study. Sources of commercially available biological control agents. Glossary. DUE TO OUSTANDING COPYRIGHT ISSUES OR CLEARLY IDENTIFIED OUT-OF-DATE PRACTICES (E.G. SAFETY CONCERNS), ONLY THE FRONT MATTER (E.G. COVER, ToC, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, ETC) ARE PROVIDED HERE AT THIS TIME. Print copies of this item can be found at libraries listed here: