2016 Integrated Pest Management Guide for Organic Dairies
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This guide provides an outline of practices for the management of external arthropod pests such as flies,lice, mites and grubs on organic dairy farms. Left uncontrolled, these pests negatively impact animal health and production. While organic production has recently increased, information about how to farm organically is still in need of considerably more research. This guide compiles the most currently available information on dairy arthropod pests, but acknowledges that effective means of organic control are insufficient for some of these pests. As new information becomes available, it will be incorporated into future revisions of this guide. While critical to organic dairy production, this guide does not include information on nutrition, feed stocks, or internal parasites of dairy cattle.
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NYS IPM Type: Livestock Organic Guide
Content replaced at author's request on 2017-02-16 for some mistakes were discovered in the document.