15th Annual Fred Scott Feline Symposium, July 25-27, 2003
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Contents include: Neurologic Gait Evaluation, The Neurological Examination--deLahunta Version (Alexander deLahunta); Overview of Feline Coronarvirus FCoV/FIP (Diane D. Addie); Feline Infectious Peritonitis: Diagnostic Workshop, FCoV/FIP Prevention (Diane D. Addie); An Overview of Feral Cat Issues , Trap Neuter and Return of Feral Cats: Efficacy and Rationale, Veterinarians' Involvement in Feral Cat Control (Margaret Slater); Feral Cats and Wildlife: What Do We Know and What Don't We Know? (James Tantillo); Virulent Systemic Feline Calicivirus: An Emerging Cancer, Feline Population Medicine: A Herd Health Approach (Kate F. Hurley); Epidemiology of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Cats in Animal Shelters (Jan Scarlett); Herpes and Calicivirus: What They Don't Want You to Know! (Diane D. Addie); Dental Laboratory (Daniel T. Carmichael); The Basics of Soft Tissue Laser Surgery (Noel A. Lopez); Feline Acute Renal Failure (Richard E. Goldstein).