Lecture 6: Governance, Institutions, Trade and Globalization Policies
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This lecture concerns topics covered in these Case Study sections: Governance, Institutions and Macroeconomic Policies and Trade and Globalization Policies.
While the term "food policy" is often interpreted to mean sectorial, micro, or meso policies, food systems are strongly influenced by macroeconomic policies, as discussed in this lecture. Institutions enter into food systems in a variety of ways at local, national, and international levels, and institutional innovation is a critical element of effective policy design and implementation. The related cases discuss these issues and the related role of governments, along with the impact of instability and armed conflict on food security and lessons for government action.
The impact of globalization on food systems is of a very complex nature. This lecture and the related cases address the impact of trade and agricultural policies in both high- and low-income countries as well as the impact of other elements of globalization such as the international expansion and concentration of the private food sector. The impact of trade and domestic agricultural policies in OECD countries on low-income countries and low-income people are discussed along with available policy options for alleviating these negative consequences, and the effect of tariff escalation and non-tariff trade barriers.