

New York State berry industry analysis

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While New York State (NYS) has a huge demand for berries, the local berry industry has not taken full advantage of this demand. NYS berry growers are missing business opportunities due to lack of sector growth. In response, this study analyzed the various perspectives of the current berry production and market situation, especially focusing on strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry crops. In this study, we sought to understand the production and marketing economics that drive the NYS berry market and to provide growers with actionable insights and tools to aid them in making decisions. The research has taken place in three stages. First, the cost of berry production study was examined to establish a statewide reference, and an interactive tool based on the study was launched. The generated insights would then aid them in identifying their profitability for each berry crop and allowing them to compare these to a representative NYS farm. Second, the marketing channel surveys were distributed to gather individual farm’s data on merchandising and sales channels. Collected responses from the survey provided us a better understanding of the market situation. Lastly, based on all compiled data and gathered information from both growers and the market, we generated a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to carefully examine the current state of the NYS berry industry, which shed light into future business opportunities for berry growers. Suggestions and insights were provided to identify market opportunities and guide further development efforts. The key suggestions from this study pointed out the NYS technological capacity, the diverse market access opportunity, the possibilities for local branding development, and the organizational power for outreaching and marketing.

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Degree Discipline

Applied Economics and Management

Degree Name

M.P.S., Applied Economics and Management

Degree Level

Master of Professional Studies

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