Enterolithiasis in a horse
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Enterolithiasis in horses is a condition which is fairly common in Southern and Western areas of the United States, but is frequently overlooked in the Northeast. There are many factos which have been theorized to influence enterolith formation, including age, breed, geographic location, and diet. Diagnosis is made based on clinical findings, abdominal radiography, and exploratory surgery. Treatment of horses with clinical signs requires surgical removal of the obstructing enterolith(s). A 19-year-old bay Arabian gelding was admitted to the Chino Valley Equine Hospital in Chino, California in June 1988. The horse had a history of recurrent mild to moderate colic for approximately four days. Initial physical exam revealed a body temperature of 100.6 degrees F. (38.1 degrees C.), a heart rate of 42 beats per minute, and respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute. Mucous membrane color, capillary refill time, skin turgor, and digital pulses were all foudn to be within normal limits. No abnormalities were evident on thoracic and ab dominal auscultation or on abdominal palpation per rectum. No nasogastric reflux could be obtained. The horse was not exhibiting signs of abdominal discomfort, and no analgesics were administered.
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Seminar SF610.1 1989 no.8927