

Updating the Embedded System of an Autonomous Sailboat

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The robotic and bio-mechanics lab proposed a sailboat design in which the rudder control surface operated in the air, rather than in the water, resulting in a dynamically stable sailboat with respect to the relative wind. The boat design has taken shape. In terms of hardware, some components have been designed, manufactured, or purchased and assembly has been completed. On the software side, a complete embedded framework has been developed, corresponding to many executable tasks.The thesis focuses on optimizing and improving certain tasks of the embedded boat. This includes adding a resend function to the Communication Task, introducing a Remote Control Task, and designing a new scheduler for task execution. Considering the robustness of the embedded system, it is essential to address the possibility of signal loss during transmission by implementing the single message transmission. Relying on algorithm control for the sail and rudder is insufficient to handle unexpected situations and meet specific requirements. The old RTOS scheduler also posed issues with task sleep. Considering these considerations and issues, the addition of the resend function ensures multiple transmissions of information, enhancing reliability. The Remote Control Task, in conjunction with the Course Algorithm Task, determines the steering of the sail and rudder. The new scheduler governs the task execution sequence to ensure smooth system operation. The relevant updates have been incorporated into the boat's system, and appropriate testing has been conducted. Some functionalities of the boat have been improved and optimized. However, there are more ongoing testing activities that need to be completed.

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60 pages

Supplemental file(s) description: remote control1, new scheudler, remote control2.


Date Issued




Air rudder; Embedded system; Remote control; Sail boat; System scheduler


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Committee Chair

Ruina, Andy

Committee Co-Chair

Committee Member

Bewley, Gregory

Degree Discipline

Mechanical Engineering

Degree Name

M.S., Mechanical Engineering

Degree Level

Master of Science

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