Tomlinson, Bill
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A great deal of effort has been expended to design artificially intelligent systems by replicating human behaviors. The primary focus of this effort has been on replicating behavioral patterns with obvious survival benefits - the ability to navigate through a world, to gather resources, etc. In addition, researchers have preferred projects that are easy to replicate with computers - abilities relating to precision, repeatability and rapid processing. However, there are a great number of human behaviors that lack obvious survival benefits, and that may not lend themselves at first glance to computational implementation. For example, dreaming, adherence to false beliefs and social stereotyping are common human behavioral patterns that do not clearly lead to food, clothing or shelter (although it is certainly possible to tell convincing "Just So" stories about the value of each of these behaviors). As a hybrid artist/scientist, I seek to create interactive computational systems that shed light on these areas, as both artistic undertaking and scientific research.