OVPR Annual Reports
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This is a collection of Annual Reports from the Office of the Vice Provost for Research.
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Item Annual Report 2007 - Emerging Dimensions: Research at Cornell(Office of the Vice Provost for Research, 2007)The imagination and energy of the Cornell faculty are impressive. Because of the faculty’s peerless drive, Cornell is witnessing a broadening of its already rich, distinctive legacy in the physical sciences and engineering, and at the same time, an expanding preeminence in the life sciences and computational sciences. There is also growing strength in the social sciences and humanities. The university has made several key hires in these areas, enhancing our ability to forge new directions. We are particularly proud of our young faculty. Cornell received more career awards than any other university. We are number one in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program awards and in NSF's Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). This is an excellent indicator of the strength of Cornell's young faculty and the bright future ahead.Item Annual Report 2006 - Distinctive, Dynamic Cutting-Edge: Research at Cornell(Cornell University Office of the Vice Provost for Research, 2006)The past year has been highlighted by progress on numerous fronts across the university. Energies of faculty, staff, and students have been directed toward new ideas, new actions, and new facilities. It has been a time of renewal and a time to look to the future. Because of its unique history and capabilities, Cornell is strategically positioned to compete successfully for funding in basic and translational sciences. Following are examples to emphasize the competitive position we have established. Cornell’s distinguished history in the physical sciences, engineering, and computational sciences sets the tone for the future. Planning for the Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) is well under way with support from the university, state, and federal government. The ERL is a new x-ray source based on accelerator physics and superconducting microwave technology that will be about 1,000 times brighter than current machines. This facility will be valuable for research in biology, medicine, and materials science, as well as nanotechnology and new areas of science that will be critical to our national competitiveness. Strategic planning for the physical sciences building (to support investigators in chemistry and chemical biology, physics, and applied and engineering physics) and Gates Hall (for computing and information sciences) is progressing, as well.Item Annual Report 2001 - Research at Cornell(Cornell University Office of the Vice Provost for Research, 2001)The Cornell faculty is a remarkable group of people. During the past year they have continued to express their innovative dreams in proposals that address an astonishing variety of fields in the natural and social sciences. We, at Cornell, have invented hybrid studies that cross the traditional boundaries of several sciences. At the same time, we have advanced knowledge in specific disciplines with marked achievements. A summary of all that has been achieved cannot be efficiently presented here. Nevertheless, we offer selected examples. Cornell research is always a work in progress. Each year is more progressive than the preceding year. And sometimes, at Cornell, there are advances that move the leading edge further out, creating a new benchmark.Item Annual Report 2002 - Research at Cornell(Cornell University Office of the Vice Provost for Research, 2002)The research enterprise of Cornell University has been exceptionally successful in the past year. Cornell attracted a record level of funding with increases in sponsored support in all of our colleges. Moreover, the two Cornell research centers with the largest amount of funding--LEPP, the Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics (formerly LNS, the Laboratory of Nuclear Studies), and CHESS, the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source--had successful renewals. Both are funded by the National Science Foundation. They had thorough reviews and were granted increased funding for another five years. Plans for a major initiative in the "New Life Sciences" are on track for the development of important new research programs. Cornell's new Duffield Hall is well on the way to completion. The facility will provide vitally needed new resources for Cornell's renowned nanostructure science and technology.Item Annual Report 2003 - Scaling New Heights: Research at Cornell(Cornell University Office of the Vice Provost for Research, 2003)Cornell's research enterprise continues to be very healthy and vibrant. Especially noteworthy is our success in major astronomy projects and in obtaining significant new grants in nanotechnology. Our research funding sponsored by external agencies increased by more than 12 percent. Additionally, major construction projects for the new life sciences initiatives are on track for scheduled groundbreaking in 2005.Item Annual Report 2004 - A Distinctive Edge: Research at Cornell(Cornell University Office of the Vice Provost for Research, 2004)Duffield Hall, the remarkable new facility for advanced engineering technology, became fully functional in October. The Mars mission continued to produce important new results. The Cassini mission to Saturn returned spectacularly beautiful photographs and significant data about the satellites of Saturn. Cornell's research funding continued its steady growth, tracking the pattern of federal support for research. The vitality of our research enterprise is apparent. We are concerned, however, about issues that plague university research. Regulations on the management of university-based research are becoming increasingly stringent. In addition, a downturn in the size of the national research budget is certain. In response to these issues, Cornell has taken essential actions.Item Annual Report 2005 - Halls of Preeminence: Research at Cornell(Cornell University Office of the Vice Provost for Research, 2005)The state of research at Cornell remains vibrant and vital. This report deals with an issue of significant national importance: the role of the research university in the nation?s economic health. The report recommends actions that should be taken by U.S. industry and federal agencies, but much of the fundamental remediation needs to occur in our K-12 schools and universities. Our scientific workforce and teaching corps are woefully inadequate, and our university base for performing basic research is underfunded. Many thoughtful economists estimate that about half of U.S. economic growth since World War II has been the result of technological innovation following research. Without a significant renaissance in our own national ability to innovate, the United States is likely to fall further behind other nations. At Cornell we intend to make significant contributions to the solution of one of the most difficult national problems, which has special national urgency: the development of new energy sources. We have initiated a broad range of new programs, ranging from the development of biofuels to fundamental studies of catalysis at surfaces of fuel cells. The nascent studies in energy research can be found in most of our colleges. With a unique range of research--in agriculture; ultrahigh technology; medicine; and humanistic, social, and economic studies--across 16 colleges and divisions, Cornell will continue to make distinctive, tangible contributions of far-reaching national importance.