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Will You Warm My Hand?

dc.contributor.authorHo, Calvin
dc.contributor.authorTeh, Cheryl
dc.contributor.authorKou, Cynthia
dc.contributor.authorChan, Jason
dc.contributor.authorMok, Lawrence
dc.descriptionNo access to the full paper due to lack of a FERPA release.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this design was to determine the effect of a commercial heating patch in a gloved hand on a cold day. Using Gambit and FIDAP, we meshed a gloved hand with results showing that this patch indeed warms the hand to normal body temperature in about 13 minutes. We also showed that varying blood perfusion rates do change the final temperature significantly. We also performed a sensitivity analysis with different types of leather gloves, but this only showed a change in temperature of about two degrees.
dc.format.extent24 bytes
dc.titleWill You Warm My Hand?en_US
dc.typeterm paperen_US
