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Optimization of Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer

dc.contributor.authorBeelitz, Carolyn
dc.contributor.authorBui, Jojo
dc.contributor.authorConnelly, John
dc.contributor.authorMukherjee, Rani
dc.contributor.authorPan, Katy
dc.descriptionNo access to the full paper due to lack of a FERPA release.
dc.description.abstractChemotherapy is a common treatment method for lung cancer. Using FIDAP, this study simulated the diffusion of the drug, Cisplatin, from the blood stream throughout a lung tumor that partially blocked an airway. Two treatment methods were compared by the level of exposure (area under the concentration vs. time plot). One method was a single dose at time zero and the other method was the same dose spread over an entire day. The results show that both methods have nearly the same levels of exposure (AUC). The main difference between the treatments was a higher peak concentration with the single dose. It was also shown that diffusivity had a significant impact on the peak concentration and level of exposure.en_US
dc.format.extent592 bytes
dc.titleOptimization of Chemotherapy for Lung Canceren_US
dc.typeterm paperen_US
