Organic Vegetable Production (NRAES 165 - FRONT MATTER ONLY)
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Proceedings of a January 2003 workshop intended for growers interested in or practicing organic farming. Twenty papers discuss basic information on organic vegetable production as well as grower experiences. Soil and nutrient management, weed management, insect management (both pest and beneficial) and disease management are discussed. Case studies describe fertility management, compost, crop rotations, cover crops, mulching, and irrigation. Includes 25 illustrations, and 13 tables. DUE TO OUSTANDING COPYRIGHT ISSUES OR CLEARLY IDENTIFIED OUT-OF-DATE PRACTICES (E.G. SAFETY CONCERNS), ONLY THE FRONT MATTER (E.G. COVER, ToC, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, ETC) ARE PROVIDED HERE AT THIS TIME. Print copies of this item can be found at libraries listed here: