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Normal vs. Abnormal Pharyngeal Bolus Transport

dc.contributor.authorLo, Peter
dc.contributor.authorMeng, Yizhi
dc.contributor.authorSrikiatden, Jaruk
dc.descriptionPaper is in HTML on a secure site.en_US
dc.descriptionNo access to the full paper due to lack of a FERPA release.
dc.description.abstractNormal and abnormal swallowing (dysphagia) processes in the pharynx were modeled using the computer-aided engineering software, FIDAP. In the normal case, boundary conditions for the epiglottis were established to prevent fluid flow into the larynx/trachea area. In the abnormal case, the boundary conditions for epiglottis were changed to allow some flow into the larynx/trachea. The program converged successfully when the mesh was simplified, and two distinct flow patterns were observed for both normal and abnormal cases. Sensitivity analysis of abnormal swallowing behavior showed that the flow present in the trachea was slower at higher viscosities. This suggests that the method of feeding dysphagia patients with thickened liquids is useful in preventing aspiration.en_US
dc.format.extent592 bytes
dc.subjectbolus, larynx, pharynxen_US
dc.titleNormal vs. Abnormal Pharyngeal Bolus Transporten_US
dc.typeterm paperen_US
