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Cold Therapy Analysis in Structurally Damaged Tissue

dc.contributor.authorLai, Sherry
dc.contributor.authorPottle, Bill
dc.contributor.authorSchlesinger, Nicole
dc.contributor.authorLee, Jeff S.
dc.descriptionThis item is not available.
dc.description.abstractFor our project, we conducted an analysis of cold therapy for structurally damaged tissue. Our intent was to determine the ideal conditions of temperature and time of cold therapy needed to most effectively treat a bruise. To do this, we devised a model of damaged tissue via GAMBIT and FIDAP and exposed this tissue to cold therapy at varying temperatures and times. We created a function to assess effectiveness of treatment which was dependent on the depth of penetration at 34 deg. C (ideal temperature for treated tissue) and the depth of penetration of 5 deg. C(temperature at which vasodilation occurs in order for the body to maintain homeostasis). The significance of this effectiveness value is that it is an indication of how effectively we have reduced blood flow in and surrounding the damaged tissue layers. A high effectiveness value translates into significantly reduced blood flow which mitigates the extent of damage. The applications of our findings could be put towards devising an ice pack/gel pack which is maintained at an appropriate temperature and left on an injury for an appropriate time.en_US
dc.format.extent607 bytes
dc.provenanceThis item was never held in the repository. In February 2020, we removed references to a departmental server or requesting item from faculty member.
dc.titleCold Therapy Analysis in Structurally Damaged Tissueen_US
dc.typeterm paperen_US
