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Cryogenic Freezing of the Entire Prostate Gland

dc.contributor.authorEhrenberg, Morton
dc.contributor.authorFlynn, Terence
dc.contributor.authorSeth, Rajeev
dc.contributor.authorThompson, Glenn
dc.contributor.authorYi, Jason
dc.descriptionThis item is not available.
dc.description.abstractThe goal of this study was to model cryogenic freezing of the entire prostate, using five cryoprobes, while minimizing damage to the surrounding tissue. A 3-D model was attempted, but failed due to time constraints; therefore, a 2-D model was constructed. It was determined that probe placement was the key factor in minimizing the time required to freeze the prostate and the extent of damage to the surrounding tissue. Varying probe temperature between -180 deg. and -195 deg.C had little affect on these results. We also increased the temperature of the center probe outside of the range currently used for this procedure. This decreased the frozen area below the prostate where the rectum is located.en_US
dc.format.extent601 bytes
dc.provenanceThis item was never held in the repository. In February 2020, we removed references to a departmental server or requesting item from faculty member.
dc.titleCryogenic Freezing of the Entire Prostate Glanden_US
dc.typeterm paperen_US
