Between Dec. 23, 2024 and Jan. 3, 2025, eCommons staff will not be available to answer email and will not be able to provide DOIs until after Jan. 6. If you need a DOI for a dataset during this period, consider Dryad or OpenICPSR. If you need support submitting material before the winter break, please contact us by Thursday, Dec. 19 at noon. Thank you!



Computer Science

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The Department of Computer Science at Cornell University, which was organized in 1965, is one of the oldest departments of its kind in the country. It has a full-time faculty of 36, approximately 110 resident Ph.D. graduate students, 100 M.Eng students, and the undergraduate program graduates about 200 C.S. majors each year. The department is typically ranked as one of the top five in the country.

For more information, go to the Computer Science Home Page.


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