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BEE Graduate Theses

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Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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    Mathematical Analysis of Pressure Chamber: EFFLUX EXPERIMENTS
    Stroshine, Richard L. (Cornell University, 1980-05)
    The Scholander pressure chamber is one of several devices used to study the water relations of green plants. For field work it can be used to rapidly measure leaf water potential, and for laboratory studies it can be used to determine the turgor and osmotic components of plant water potential.
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    Lee, Jae Young (1986-06)
    A new method of element decomposition is introduced in the formulation of a new shell finite element. The actual element is decomposed into a translational element defined completely by the nodal translations and a difference element representing the difference between the actual element and the translational element. An alternative form of coordinate transformation is also suggested to achieve a simple and systematic formulation. Three different types of elements, designated as types I, II and III, are derived by employing different assumptions on the displacement field of each component element. The type III element, in which the rotation of the translational element and the translation of the difference element are suppressed, gives the most favorable results. The element has properties similar to Ahmad's degenerate shell element, but shows better performance than the latter for all test problems considered in this study.
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    Vibratory Fruit Harvesting: High speed video of apple fruit-stem response to forcing direction and frequency
    Parchomchuk, Peter (Cornell University, 1971)
    This high-speed video (10x) of an apple fruit-stem subjected to gradually increasing periodic excitation at the upper end of the stem (where attached to the tree branch) provides excellent experimental agreement with the numerically integrated equations of motion for forced oscillation. This double physical pendulum model confirms the predicted nonlinear normal mode behavior for apples being harvested using an inertial shaking device.
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    Simulation and model verification of agricultural tractor overturns
    Davis, Denny C. (Thesis (Ph. D.) - Cornell University, 1973-08)
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    A study of the plow bottom and its action upon the furrow slice
    White, Earl Archibald (Cornell University, 1917)
    This is the first Thesis produced by the Department of Biological Engineering at Conrell University in 1917.
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    CU ABEN Graduate Degrees (1913 - 1995)
    Cooke, J. Robert; Stanton, Ruth; Bates, Sandy (Internet-First University Press, 2007)
    This is a Chronological and Alphabetical Listing of the Graduate Degrees for the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Cornell University from 1913- 1995.