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BEE 4890 - for Undergraduates

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This is a collection of oral presentations of eight student groups in the course, Entrepreneurial Management for Engineers (BEE 4890) are presented. The topics include plans for:
1) statistical software for epidemiology,
2) digital textbooks that emphasize simulations/animations and worked examples,
3) managing boiler systems in multi-unit apartment units/brokering enhanced energy rates for users,
4) lease/purchase of solar panels,
5) marketing combination aquaculture and hydroponics units,
6) underground residential housing design and construction management,
7) wealth transfer that minimizes its tax impact and
8) workplace friendly exercise equipment.


Recent Submissions

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    Presentations of Business Plans–BEE 4890
    (The Internet-First University Press, 2011-12-01)
    The oral presentations of eight student groups in the course, Entrepreneurial Management for Engineers (BEE 4890) are presented. The topics include plans for: 1) statistical software for epidemiology, 2) digital textbooks that emphasize simulations/animations and worked examples, 3) managing boiler systems in multi-unit apartment units/brokering enhanced energy rates for users, 4) lease/purchase of solar panels, 5) marketing combination aquaculture and hydroponics units, 6) underground residential housing design and construction management, 7) wealth transfer that minimizes its tax impact and 8) workplace friendly exercise equipment. Running time is 117 minutes, although individual presentations may be selected.