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ILR School

Industrial Relations Now and in 1984

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Published in 1976, this book collects essays presented at the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations Founders Seminar at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, NY, on December 3, 1975. The event, sponsored by the Alumni Association of the ILR School, commemorated the School's 30th anniversary and celebrated the end of an era: all six speakers served in the ILR School's Department of Collective Bargaining, Labor Law, and Labor History, and all either had retired or were about to retire the following year. The event also served as the genesis of the ILR School's Founders Program.


Front Matter

Seminar Papers


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
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    Neufeld, Maurice F. (1976)
    [Excerpt] The six short essays in this modest publication assess the impact upon industrial relations of the accelerating democratization of American life.
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    McKersie, Robert B. (1976)
    [Excerpt] These six superb essays were presented at a major event of the School of Industrial and Labor Relations held in New York City in early December 1975. The event commemorated the thirtieth anniversary of the School; the first classes were held in November 1945.
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    Front Matter
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    Grievance Procedures and the Democratization of American Life
    Neufeld, Maurice F. (1976-01-01)
    [Excerpt] No institution in the nation's history has struggled so long and so valiantly for the democratization of American life as the organized labor movement. Decade after decade, trade unionists have fought for human rights and dignity against almost insuperable forces of wealth, privilege, and partisan government, including the country's courts, soldiery, and police. They have battled against poverty of means, mind, and spirit in the teeth of bayonets, massacre, assault, injunctions, imprisonment, dismissal from jobs, blacklisting, and legislative and judicial defeat of vital measures.
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    New Challenges to Arbitration
    McKelvey, Jean T. (1976-01-01)
    [Excerpt] "Today we face developments in practically every aspect of our lives portending changes within the next quarter century as great as any we have experienced." Changes in one's own field, as in society in general, are often imperceptible at the time they are occurring. Yet, in looking back over my thirty years of teaching in the field of arbitration, I am struck not only by the major changes which have affected the concepts and practice of arbitration, but also, and more significantly, by the new challenges which are emerging to the whole profession of arbitration as well as to the continued viability of the institution itself.
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    What Collective Bargaining Promises and What it Does
    Jensen, Vernon H. (1976-01-01)
    [Excerpt] From the outset of my career in teaching, I have been deeply interested in the question of freedom. This interest is in part due to my upbringing and in part is the result of my academic training. Not only its substance but its origins, extension, and preservation have been abiding concerns. We often take freedom for granted, but quarrels and fights about its nature, conditions, and scope fill our history. Freedom had to be won. It was never, and is not now, established universally. It has had to be gained by groups who did not enjoy it. Such extensions as have been made were only by power of those who sought it. Freedom not only has had to be fought for, but, once gained, it has had to be maintained through constant defense. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.
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    From Opportunity to Status
    Konvitz, Milton R. (1976-01-01)
    [Excerpt] When Ronald Knox, at the age of four, was asked what he did for his insomnia, he replied, "I lie awake and think about the past." I suspect that even the future celebrated biblical scholar did not, at the age of four, have much of a past to think about-- unless, with Plato and Wordsworth, we believe that a child is not born in entire forgetfulness, but comes trailing clouds of glory. In my own case when I lie awake and think about the past, I do have a relatively long past to think about--it is thirty-eight years since I began my teaching career, and almost thirty years since I came to Cornell.
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    Higher Education and Labor Relations
    Cook, Alice (1976-01-01)
    I have been asked to comment in a field in which I am a novice, namely that of arbitration. I have only recently taken vows in that order and remain still very humble in the company of those already long accepted into the faith and practice. I am, in a word, quite incompetent and incapable of taking issue with Mother Superior. I have decided, therefore, not to question revealed truth, but to accept and ponder it, yea, with gratitude as today's lesson to be learned. What I should like to do is to raise novice's questions in a somewhat special corner of the field to which I have been granted admission and where I have had some limited experience. I refer to the problems raised in labor relations and specifically in arbitration in higher education, both public and private. The issues here derive from the nature of this distinct kind of institution. I refer now both to colleges and universities, though not to the community colleges which in their developing--not to say rigidifying--labor relations give every evidence of preferring the kinds of contracts, conditions, and remedies acceptable and accepted in the high schools.
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    Comment on "What Collective Bargaining Promises and What it Does"
    Brooks, George W. (1976-01-01)
    [Excerpt] There can be no disagreement with Professor Jensen's position that a belief in freedom is at the heart of our commitment to collective bargaining. These comments are a footnote to what he says about institutional accommodation and freedom in associations. My point is that acceptable "institutional accommodation" is achieved only when the institutions themselves do, in fact, offer choices to individuals and thus give freedom its essential meaning.