

Supplementary tables for Effect of reproductive management programs that prioritized AI at detected estrus or timed AI on the reproductive performance of primiparous Holstein cows of different genetic merit for fertility

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Our objective was to compare reproductive outcomes of primiparous lactating Holstein cows of different genetic merit for fertility submitted for insemination with management programs that prioritized AI at detected estrus (AIE) or timed AI (TAI). Moreover, we aimed to determine if subgroups of cows with different fertility potential would present a distinct response to the reproductive management strategies compared. Lactating primiparous Holstein cows (n = 6 commercial farms) were stratified into high (Hi-Fert), medium (Med-Fert), and low (Lo-Fert) genetic fertility groups (FG) based on a Reproduction Index (RI) value calculated from multiple genomically enhanced predicted transmitting abilities (gPTA). Within herd and fertility group, cows were randomly assigned either to a program that prioritized TAI and had an extended VWP (P-TAI; n = 1,338) or another that prioritized AIE (P-AIE; n = 1,416) and used TAI for cows not AIE. Cows in P-TAI received first service by TAI at 84 ± 3 DIM after a Double-Ovsynch protocol, were AIE if detected in estrus after a previous AI and received TAI after an Ovsynch-56 protocol at 35 ± 3 d after a previous AI if a corpus luteum (CL) was visualized at nonpregnancy diagnosis (NPD) 32 ± 3 d after AI. Cows with no CL visualized at NPD received TAI at 42 ± 3 d after AI after an Ovsynch-56 protocol with progesterone supplementation (P4-Ovsynch). Cows in P-AIE were eligible for AIE after a PGF2α treatment at 53 ± 3 DIM and after a previous AI. Cows not AIE by 74 ± 3 DIM or by NPD 32 ± 3 d after AI received P4-Ovsynch for TAI at 74 ± 3 DIM or 42 ± 3 d after AI. Binary data were analyzed with logistic regression, count data with Poisson regression, continuous data by ANOVA, and time to event data by Cox’s proportional hazard regression. Pregnancy per AI (P/AI) to first service was greater for cows in the Hi- (59.8%) than the Med- (53.6%) and Lo-Fert (47.7%) groups, and for the P-TAI (58.7%) than the P-AIE (48.7%) treatment. Overall, P/AI for all second and subsequent AI combined did not differ by treatment (P-TAI = 45.2%; P-AIE = 44.5%) or FG (Hi-Fert = 46.1%; Med-Fert = 46.0%; Lo-Fert = 42.4%). The hazard of pregnancy after calving was greater for the P-AIE than the P-TAI treatment [hazard ratio (HR) = 1.27, 95% CI: 1.17 to 1.37)], and for the Hi-Fert than the Med-Fert (HR = 1.16, 95% CI: 1.05 to 1.28) and Lo-Fert (HR = 1.34, 95% CI: 1.20 to 1.49) groups. More cows in the Hi- (91.2%) than the Med- (88.4%) and Lo-Fert (85.8%) groups were pregnant at 200 DIM. Within FG, the hazard of pregnancy was greater for the P-AIE than the P-TAI treatment for the Hi-Fert (HR = 1.41, 95% CI: 1.22 to 1.64) and Med-Fert (HR = 1.28, 95% CI: 1.12 to 1.46) groups but not for the Lo-Fert group (HR = 1.13, 95% CI: 0.98 to 1.31). We conclude that primiparous Holstein cows of superior genetic merit for fertility had better reproductive performance than cows of inferior genetic merit for fertility regardless of the type of reproductive management used. In addition, the effect of programs that prioritized AIE or TAI on reproductive performance for cows of superior or inferior genetic merit for fertility depended on the outcomes evaluated. Thus, programs that prioritize AIE or TAI could be used to affect certain outcomes of reproductive performance or management.

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reproductive performance; genomics; targeted management; dairy cow


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