Between Dec. 23, 2024 and Jan. 3, 2025, eCommons staff will not be available to answer email and will not be able to provide DOIs until after Jan. 6. If you need a DOI for a dataset during this period, consider Dryad or OpenICPSR. If you need support submitting material before the winter break, please contact us by Thursday, Dec. 19 at noon. Thank you!



Institute for European Studies

Permanent URI for this community

The Institute for European Studies promotes and co-ordinates multidisciplinary curricula, research projects, initiatives, and events centering on Europe. Through our program of lectures, conferences, seminars, international exchanges and scholarships, IES focuses particular attention on transnational and transcultural European issues, encouraging new approaches to the study of an area whose contours are constantly being redefined. The Institute seeks to both broaden the Cornell community's view of Europe and to make the study of European languages, culture and society an integral part of graduate and undergraduate education on the campus.

For more information, go to the European Studies Home Page.


Collections of this Community

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