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Water Resources Systems Planning and Management - Book

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This collection of each chapter and appendix in the book: Water Resources Systems Planning and Management: An Introduction to Methods, Models and Applications by Daniel P. Loucks and Eelco van Beek with contributions from Jery R. Stedinger, Jozef P.M. Dijkman, Monique T. Villars part of Studies and Reports in Hydrology from UNESCO PUBLISHING. These pdf files can be copied as needed or desired. Since the figures are in color it helps to print the chapter in color for clearer understanding.

Click HERE to view the Chapters.

This 2005 version has been superseded by the 2017 edition, available in full here: http://hdl.handle.net/1813/48159


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    Water Resources Systems Planning and Management: An Introduction to Methods, Models and Applications
    Loucks, Daniel P.; van Beek, Eelco; Stedinger, Jery R.; Dijkman, Jozef P.M.; Villars, Monique T. (Paris : UNESCO, 2005)
    Throughout history much of the world has witnessed ever-greater demands for reliable, high-quality and inexpensive water supplies for domestic consumption, agriculture and industry. In recent decades there have also been increasing demands for hydrological regimes that support healthy and diverse ecosystems, provide for water-based recreational activities, reduce if not prevent floods and droughts, and in some cases, provide for the production of hydropower and ensure water levels adequate for ship navigation. Water managers are challenged to meet these multiple and often conflicting demands. At the same time, public stakeholder interest groups have shown an increasing desire to take part in the water resources development and management decision making process. Added to all these management challenges are the uncertainties of natural water supplies and demands due to changes in our climate, changes in people's standards of living, changes in watershed land uses and changes in technology. How can managers develop, or redevelop and restore, and then manage water resources systems - systems ranging from small watersheds to those encompassing large river basins and coastal zones - in a way that meets society's changing objectives and goals? In other words, how can water resources systems become more integrated and sustainable?
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