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Publications of the Cornell Alumni Association

Permanent URI for this community

This community contains the following publications:

  1. Cornell Alumni News, Vol. 1 (1899) - Vol. 95 (1992/93)
  2. Cornell Magazine, Vol. 96 (1993/94) - Vol. 103 (2000/01)
  3. Cornell Alumni Magazine, Vol. 104 (2001/02) --

Current issues of the Cornell Alumni Magazine are available at

The reasons for publishing a news magazine for Cornell alumni were expressed in the first issue of the Cornell Alumni News:

THE AIM OF THE NEWS. The objects of THE ALUMNI NEWS will be threefold: First, to reflect faithfully and especially for alumni the present life at the University--both in Ithaca and New York; among both Faculty and students. In this we have been promised the hearty co-operation of the members of the Medical College in New York. Secondly, to keep the alumni accurately informed concerning the attitude of the University body, students and Faculty, toward the various questions of University policy. Athletics will of course receive its due share of attention, and questions of general University economy will not be neglected. Thirdly,--and this is perhaps the most important of all,--to keep the alumni informed as fully and as accurately as possible about the whereabouts and doings of Cornell men and women; and thus not only to foster the interest in classmates and Alma Mater, but also to increase the enthusiasm and loyalty of every Cornellian for the college on the hill. (Cornell Alumni News, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1899, p. 4)


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