This readme file was generated on 2024-04-26 by Matthew Zipple GENERAL INFORMATION Title of Dataset: Matthew Zipple. (2024) Data and Script from: Reducing childhood mortality extends mothers’ lives. [dataset] Cornell University eCommons Repository. Author/Principal Investigator Information Name: Matthew Zipple ORCID: Institution: Cornell University Email: Alternate Contact Information Name: Michael Sheehan Institution: Cornell University Email: Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Cornell University Klarman Postdoctoral Fellowship NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology (grant # 2109636) SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: This dataset is shared under a Creative Commons 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication ( The material can be copied, modified and used without permission, but attribution to the original authors is always appreciated. Links to publications that cite or use the data: to be added post-publication Mortality and Fertility data come from the following sources: 1- Arias E, Curtin L, Wei R, Anderson R. 2008. U.S. Decennial Life Tables for 1999–2001, United States Life Tables. 2- GD008 Children per woman (total fertility rate), Version 12. 2021. Free available from via CC-BY License. 3- Bell F, Michael M. 2005. Life Tables or the United States Social Security Area 1900-2100, Actuarial Study No. 116. Recommended citation for this dataset: Matthew Zipple. (2024) Data and Script from: Reducing childhood mortality extends mothers’ lives. [dataset] Cornell University eCommons Repository. DATA & FILE OVERVIEW File List: This folder contains 4 files. 'Bereavement Code.R': The simulation script that allows for the estimation of the proportion of females in the US that have experienced the loss of a child by a given age under different fertility and child mortality schedules. Code is annotated internally. --Relies on 1900_2000_Parameters.csv '1900_2000_Parameters.csv': This .csv contains the life history parameters necessary to perform the simulation in Figure 1 of the paper. The column heading descriptions are as follows: age Age in years m_mort_1900 Reported male mortality in 1900 f_mort_1900 Reported female mortality in 1900 m_mort_est_1900 Estimated male mortality in 1900 (geometric smoothing) f_mort_est_1900 Estimated female mortality in 1900 (geometric smoothing) m_mort_2000 Reported male mortality in 2000 f_mort_2000 Reported female mortality in 2000 m_mort_est_2000 Estimated male mortality in 2000 (geometric smoothing) f_mort_est_2000 Estimated female mortality in 2000 (geometric smoothing) f_fert_1960 Reported fertility in 1960, proxy for 1900 fertility f_fert_2000 Reported fertility in 2000 prop_bereavement_1900 Output from model, estimated proportion of surviving females in 1900 of this age that have experienced the loss of at least one child prop_bereavement_2000 Output from model, estimated proportion of surviving females in 2000 of this age that have experienced the loss of at least one child 'model outputs and analysis.csv': This .csv contains the output of the simulation as well as calculations of estimated lifespan extension as a result of reductions in the frequency with which females experience bereavement. The column heading descriptions are as follow. prop_bereavement_1900 Output from model, estimated proportion of surviving females in 1900 of this age that have experienced the loss of at least one child prop_bereavement_2000 Output from model, estimated proportion of surviving females in 2000 of this age that have experienced the loss of at least one child adult_mortality_baseline_1900 Baseline mortality in 1900, same as in previous sheet non_bereaved_mortality_1900_1.36 Calculated Mortality Estimate for non-bereaved females in 1900, assuming a hazard ratio of bereavement of 1.36 (from equation 1.1 in text) adult_experienced_mortality_1.36_1900 The total experienced adult mortality in 1900 if mothers experienced bereavement at 2000 levels and the HR for bereavement is 1.36. Lower than baseline mortality because fewer females are bereaved. Calculated from Equation 1 in text. f_remaining_1.36 Remaining females at a given age in 1900 if mothers experienced bereavement at 2000 levels and the HR for bereavement is 1.36 (starting with 100000 at age 15) non_bereaved_1900_1.48 Calculated Mortality Estimate for non-bereaved females in 1900, assuming a hazard ratio of bereavement of 1.48 (from equation 1.1 in text) experienced_mortality_1.52 The total experienced adult mortality in 1900 if mothers experienced bereavement at 2000 levels and the HR for bereavement is 1.48. Lower than baseline mortality because fewer females are bereaved. Calculated from Equation 1 in text. f_remaining_1.48 Remaining females at a given age in 1900 if mothers experienced bereavement at 2000 levels and the HR for bereavement is 1.48 (starting with 100000 at age 15) f_remaining_1 Control, remaining females at a given age in 1900 if mothers experienced bereavement at 2000 levels and the HR for bereavement is 1 (starting with 100000 at age 15). Same as baseline survival median_lifespan_after_15.1 The calculated median lifespan after age 15 in 1900 if mothers experienced bereavement at 1900 levels median_lifespan_after_15.1.36 The calculated median lifespan after age 15 in 1900 if mothers experienced bereavement at 2000 levels and the HR for bereavement is 1.36 median_lifespan_after_15.1.48 The calculated median lifespan after age 15 in 1900 if mothers experienced bereavement at 2000 levels and the HR for bereavement is 1.48 mean_lifespan.1 The calculated mean lifespan after age 15 in 1900 if mothers experienced bereavement at 1900 levels mean_lifespan.1.36 The calculated mean lifespan after age 15 in 1900 if mothers experienced bereavement at 2000 levels and the HR for bereavement is 1.36 mean_lifespan.1.48 The calculated mean lifespan after age 15 in 1900 if mothers experienced bereavement at 2000 levels and the HR for bereavement is 1.48