Hatipoglu, Ozum2018-10-232020-08-222018-08-30Hatipoglu_cornellgrad_0058F_10981http://dissertations.umi.com/cornellgrad:10981bibid: 10489805https://hdl.handle.net/1813/59709We no longer exist in the realm of mechanical reproducibility; we now inhabit one in which biology and information theories unexpectedly combine to produce a new, simulacral form of technological reproduction in which bodies and organisms become affective codes, scripted texts, and discursive and non-discursive modes of communication flowing among various media networks and systems. This bioinformatic revolution signifies not only the conditions of new forms of biopolitics and its various regulatory and oppressive mechanisms determining, controlling, and constructing the actual life, the social reality or lived social relations that are shared across and between various networks and systems, but it also provides us with theoretical and practical tools that enable transgressive and subversive tactics, strategies, and approaches that transform the aesthetic stakes of everyday life by suggesting new ways of thinking about bodies, subjectivities, identities, and sexualities.en-USBodySexualityGender studiesBiocyberneticNew MediaTransTrans-Media: The Biocybernetic Revolution in Theory and Artdissertation or thesishttps://doi.org/10.7298/X4XS5SPZ