Kossuth, Lajos2007-09-182007-09-181852Report of the Special Committee Appointed by the Common Council of the City of New York to make Arrangements for the Reception of Gov. Louis Kossuth the Distinguished Hungarian Patriot (New York: Common Council, 1852), pp. 494-518.https://hdl.handle.net/1813/8301Scanned, edited and summarized by Bill Fry and James BjorkLajos Kossuth was the leader of the 1848 revolution in Hungary, which was defeated with the help of imperial Russia in 1849. His speech outlines the goals of the Hungarian nationalist cause to an American audience in 1852, at a time when he was in exile. He argues that Russia presents the only obstruction to freedom and democracy in Hungary, claiming that Russia is supported by despots detrimental to all of Europe and in violation of American principles of freedom. The speech presents an appeal for American support of Hungarian independence.81408 bytesapplication/msworden-USHungaryCatholic church1848NationalismDespotismRussiaUnited StatesRevolutionAustriaExileSpeech at the Pittsburgh Banquet, 1852other