Snow, Michael2014-08-262014-08-262011-09-07 Snow, Historian, U.S. Census BureauSince the late nineteenth century, the U.S. Census Bureau has met the growing demand for new types of small area data. Beginning with the 1890 Census, a history of the Census Bureau's small area data, tract level data, block group and block level data, and more.en-USSocial StatisticsDemographic StatisticsCensus BureauBureau of Justice StatisticsUS Dept of JusticeBureau of Transportation StatisticsNational Center for Education StatisticsUS Dept of EducationNational Center for Science and Engineering StatisticsNational Science FoundationUS DOCBJSNCESNCSESNSF101 - Delivering What Users Want: The History of U.S. Census Small Area Datapresentation