Dougherty, Mark2019-10-112019-10-111999-04Dougherty, M. (Ed.). (1999). Field guide to on-farm composting. Ithaca, N.Y.: Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service. 128 page publication (NRAES-114) was originally published by the Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES, previously known as the Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service), a multi-university program in the Northeast US disbanded in 2011. Plant and Life Sciences Publishing (PALS) was subsequently formed to manage the NRAES catalog. Ceasing operations in 2018, PALS was a program of the Department of Horticulture in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at Cornell University. PALS assisted university faculty in publishing, marketing and distributing books for small farmers, gardeners, land owners, workshops, college courses, and consumers.This book was developed to assist in day-to-day compost system management. Intended for composters, advisors, and educators. Topics discussed include: operations and equipment, raw materials and recipe making, process control and evaluation, site considerations, environmental management, and safety, composting livestock and poultry mortalities, and compost utilization on the farm. Highlights of the guide include an equipment identification table, diagrams showing windrow formation and shapes, and example calculations for recipe making and compost use estimation. It also contains 24 photos, equipment illustrations, and a troubleshooting guide.en-USCompostingAgricultural WasteField Guide to On-Farm Composting (NRAES 114)book