Smallidge, P.Weston, P.Childs, S.2016-03-292016-03-292006 maple producers operate woodlots smaller than the 15 acres normally required by aerial pesticide applicators to treat for forest tent caterpillar.  Only tolerance-exempt pesticides are legal in woods used for maple syrup production.  forest tent caterpillar is currently a serious defoliator in many places in New York, and poses a serious threat to maple sugar production (maple producers are advised not to tap heavily defoliated trees).  These woodlot owners need proven techniques to limit defoliation due to caterpillars to avoid losing syrup production and markets.  In 2006 experiments to control forest tent caterpillar damage in the sugar bush were attempted at three different locations in New York State, all with limited success. en-USAgricultural IPMControlling Forest Tent Caterpillar in Limited Acreage Maple-producing Woodlotsreport