Parker-Gibson, Necia2015-04-092015-04-092014-05-07 SessionThe famous (or infamous) combination of a bottle of RC Cola and a Moon Pie snack cake used to be referred to in Southern states as a working man's lunch-- the combination was available, cheap, wouldn't spoil in the heat, and was filling if not nutritious. Many places in the United States and elsewhere around the world have populations with reduced or nonexistent access to reliable, durable sources of nutritious food at prices that they can afford. There are agricultural, social, sociological,historical, political and geographical sources of information on the causes and ramifications of food security/insecurity which could be explored. Food justice and food security could be developed as an AgNIC site topic if the information isn't felt to be already subsumed by the National Agricultural Library's pages that relate to the topic.LibrariesFood SecurityRC Cola and a Moon Pie: Food Justice/Food Security as an AgNIC Site Topicpresentation