Bonhotal, Jean2020-02-192020-02-192019-10 about declining pollinator populations in North America have increased interest in investigating and promoting habitat that can support pollinators. Research has shown that the maintenance of native wildflowers on roadsides is beneficial to pollinators; roadsides with native plants have been found to support many species of both bees and butterflies. Roadsides form one of the most extensive networks of linear habitats. They extend across a variety of landscapes, providing opportunities to increase pollinator habitat, offering forage for food and breeding or nesting opportunities, and aiding in the dispersal of pollinators by linking fragmented habitats. The restoration and management of roadside habitat can benefit a broad suite of pollinators. CWMI is working with NYSDOT (New York State Department of Transportation) with funding by UTRC and FHWA through NYSDOT to help develop appropriate soil mixes to encourage native wildflower growth resulting in pollinator-friendly vegetation. This presentation describes the project.en-USPollinator, soil mix, compost, roadsidesDevelop Manufactured Topsoil Mixes to Support the Growth of Pollinator-Friendly Vegetation in Roadside Settingspresentation