Hurd, Richard W.Lakhani, Tashlin2020-11-232020-11-232008-03-014549252[Excerpt] Unions that represent professional and technical workers are at a critical juncture in their evolution. On the one hand, there is tremendous opportunity; disproportionate employment growth can be expected for professional and technical occupations in health care, education, science and technology, performing arts, media and communication. On the other hand, there are clear challenges. Professional labor markets and the contemporary workplace are being reconfigured by neoliberal economic policies, technological change, and the spread of contingent employment arrangements. Twenty-first century professional workers will respond positively to unions only if they see organizations that are agile enough to adapt to the workers' own shifting concerns.en-USRequired Publisher Statement: © Union Network International Global Union. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.professional workerstechnical workersunionslabor movementUnions, Associations and Twenty-First Century Professionalsbook