Kaufman, PhillipRutz, DonaldPitts, Charles2016-02-082018-09-062016-02-082018-09-062000https://hdl.handle.net/1813/42371NYS IPM Type: Livestock RecommendsNYS IPM Type: Livestock Fact SheetHorses are susceptible to a number of annoying pests, including bot flies, lice, and mange (itch mites). Confined Horses may be plagued by house and stable flies, while those on pasture may encounter horse flies, deer flies, face flies, and horn flies. Symptoms of these pests vary from minor itching and irritation to blood loss, extreme annoyance and fatigue, and even malnutrition. Excessive fly populations also might create a public health nuisance around the farm and in nearby communities, resulting in poor community relations and threats of litigation.en-usAgricultural IPMLivestockHorsesPest Management Recommendations for Horsesother