Wang, Yen-Hsiung2021-12-202021-12-202021-08Wang_cornell_0058O_11287 pagesPatterning during a nanofabrication process could be designed with a variety of techniques to manifest spatial control of chemical reactions and it is categorized as a top-down or a bottom-up process in general. While the state-of-the-art top-down techniques meet challenges, a bottom-up deposition process shows advantages in some aspects. In our research, we focus our work on modified process of atomic layer deposition (ALD) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) to achieve area-selective deposition (ASD). We have been trying to find a pathway to achieve ASD with the formation of a reversible blocking layer exclusively on the non-growth surface. During the deposition process, a third gas-phase molecule, what we refer to as “co-adsorbate”, is introduced to compete for adsorption sites on the non-growth surface while leave precursor adsorption unimpeded on the growth surface. It is a very promising approach mainly due to the self-aligning and high-throughput essence.enALDASDCVDQCMXPSUSING THE COUPLED MICRO-REACTOR/UHV SURFACE ANALYSIS SYSTEM AND THE QCM-BASED VISCOUS FLOW REACTOR TO STUDY AREA-SELECTIVE DEPOSITIONdissertation or thesis