Sherwyn, David S.2020-09-092020-09-092017-06-0710263994 a new administration in place, experts in labor law joined union leaders and management to observe the straws in the wind regarding what changes might occur in labor laws and regulations. Changes seem inevitable in the National Labor Relations Board, and existing NLRB rulings may be altered as time goes on. On the other hand, it seems nearly certain that franchisors and firms that contract for employees will continue to considered joint employers. The “fissuring” of the hospitality industry invites such an outcome, even as different firms are responsible for specific aspects of a venture. Union leaders anticipate that they will continue to do their best to organize employees and work with their members, and de-emphasize political activity.en-USRequired Publisher Statement: © Cornell University. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.National Labor Relations Boardlabor lawgig economyfranchisesunionsDonald Trumpregulatory changesThe Effect of Labor Law Changes under the New Administration: Too Soon to Tellarticle