Mills, Jody2018-12-052018-12-052017-07-21Excerpted from Branching Out IPM Newsletter (2017), Vol. 24 No. 8 Phytophthora can be devastating to rhododendrons there are a variety of other problems that are actually more common.Cultural and site-related problems include interveinal chlorosis and desiccation injury. Disease problems include Botryosphaeria Canker and Dieback; and leaf spot diseases caused by Cercospora, Botrytis and other fungi. The most common insect pest of rhododendrons include Rhododendron Gall Midge, Clinodiplosis rhododendri Rhododendron Borer, Synanthedon rhododendri, Black Vine Weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus; Lace Bug, Stephanitis spp.; and Azalea Bark Scale, Eriococcus azalea.en-USdesiccationyellow spotbrown spotstuntingnotchingstipplingwiltingsooty moldhoneydewRhododendron Problems: More Than Just Phytophthorafact sheet